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40 more Rohingyas detained for trying to flee Ukhiya camps

English News Desk : Police have detained 40 Rohingya refugees from Cox’s Bazar’s Ukhiya for attempting to escape refugee camps.

A total of 472 Rohingyas have been detained and sent back to their respective camps over the past six days.

Sheikh Mohammad Ali, officer-in-charge (OC) of Ukhiya police station, said 40 Rohingyas were detained from passenger vehicles at a checkpoint established on the Cox’s Bazar-Teknaf regional road near Ukhiya Degree College on Thursday.

He said the Rohingya refugees who were detained have been transferred to the Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner (RRRC) office for their return to their respective camps.

Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner Mohammad Mizanur Rahman said Rohingyas leaving the camps without authorisation are being provided with counseling and information about the country’s laws and order, with warnings of potential jail sentences and fines if they engage in similar offenses in the future.

Earlier on 16 September, 29 Rohingyas were detained, followed by 29 more on 17 September, 55 on 18 September, 61 on 19 September, and an additional 58 on 20 September. All of them were subsequently returned to their respective camps. Furthermore, on 19 September, members of the APBN detained 200 Rohingyas and sent them to the camps.

nupa alam

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